Business Basics – Understanding GAAP Principles

Justin HardingUncategorized

You’ve started a small business, and it’s going well. At least, you think it is. You look at your Accounts Receivable and see that you have a couple of payments outstanding. You look at your Accounts Payable and see that there are bills coming up. Wait, have you made a profit or not?

profit and loss sign

Business Basics – Understanding Profit and Loss

Justin HardingUncategorized

Who needs to create a profit and loss account? Limited Liability Companies must produce a formal profit and loss account every year and submit it to calculate the amount of corporation tax the company needs to pay. If you’re a sole trader or partnership, you don’t need to create a profit and loss account for tax purposes but it’s useful …

understanding interest rates

What Are Interest Rates?

Justin HardingUncategorized

The Interest rate is money that one pays for the use of someone else’s money. Interest is paid by the borrower (debtor) for the use of money that you borrow from the lender (creditor).

Responsible Lenders

Justin HardingSpeedy Article

Speedy Finance is a family oriented, responsible lender that values all of its customers. Unlike the payday lenders out there, we do not prey on people who are in need of financial assistance.

save on grocery bills


Justin HardingUncategorized

Here are some tips to help you save on your household grocery bills. A large proportion of your budget probably goes towards groceries, every little bit helps towards saving. Keep a tally on your grocery expenses To save money, you must know what you are spending, so keep a list of everything you buy. You won’t know if you are saving …

your entertainment budget


Justin HardingSpeedy Article

Understanding how and where you spend your money is key to starting your personal budget. It is better to know what you are spending than to suddenly get an unexpected credit card bill at the end of the month … so take control of your finances, its easier than you might think. Tips to help you see what you’re spending money …